
                It’s been almost six years since I last posted on this blog. At the time I worked in a local video game store, a brick and mortal location where I sold video games and accessories, often to parent’s who knew little of the video gaming world. At the time I was frustrated by the ignorance of the parents who would buy the most violent and disturbing of games for their children. Some as young as six years old.

                I would discuss the game, warn them, suggest other titles, but to no avail. “It’s fine,” they would brush me off. “They play Call of Duty or whatever.”

                I created this site with the intention of informing the parents in need, but after only a few posts and dozens upon dozens of conversations, I became discouraged and stopped writing. In November of 2013, I accepted another job but kept in touch with the store and the friends I had made there for a while. I continued playing games of course but my attitude towards the culture of gaming suffered.

                This year I became a parent. My daughter was born, my first child. With that my focus shifted. I had created this blog out of frustration and the desire to inform. But my potential audience was limited, and few even desired to become informed. As such I move on to a broader audience.

                I aim to write now to gamers, people who enjoy games of all kinds who are currently without children. I aim to write to the parents of gamers, the people who will be deciding what kind of games to buy their children. And I aim to write to parents who are gamers, the peoples who enjoy games and now have to juggle their time and maybe even share their interests with their children.

                I also aim to make this a space to practice my writing. I’ve often thought of myself as a writer but have done little of it over the past few years. I do hope that you’ll forgive my ramblings now and then. And I hope that together, we can discuss the dos and don’ts, the interests and ideas, and the culture of video gaming, board gaming, and even the occasional card game.

                For Gamers, Parents of Gamers, and Parent Gamers.
