Short Story: The Roommate

                There is a monster that lives in my house. A truly terrible beast. This awful create moved in one day when I wasn’t paying attention and now I cannot force it to leave. So long has this thing been in my life that I’ve forgotten what it is to be without.
                I find that I am compelled to document my cohabitation with this creature in the hopes that others might learn from my experience.
                To begin however, I must avoid the beast. Any direct contact confounds my attempts at study; any attention halts me in my tracks as I try to write what I’ve observed. Just yesterday, I sat down after an entire morning of observing this monster only to find it had found me in the afternoon and I was unable to document my findings.
                It is exceedingly strong. I find that only direct, aggressive action can dissuade it from interference. Sometimes, I triumph in this battle and can go about my day. Other days my struggle is great, so though I am victorious, the creature lingers, testing my exhausted defenses causing my work to take twice as long. And lastly, all too often, the monster bests me and my day is lost. Hours go by without a single word written, task completed, or chore finished.
                I find that even now, as I come to write these findings, I am aware of the beast. It is near and waiting for just the right moment to pounce. I know it’ll attack if my attention waivers even slightly. Should I receive an email or text, or if I close this text window to glance at another program, it’ll leap into action. The battle would be fierce and it’s taking all my effort to ignore the creature. Some days the only way to beat it is to not acknowledge it at all.
                I’ve also observed it as a docile creature. There are times when I welcome its attention. Some days when I simply allow the beast in and we spend the day together in simple harmony. I warn whomever reads this though, that is a dangerous path.
                If one gives in to this creature, it will be back. It will enter your home, your room, your workplace quietly. It’ll act as though it belongs and sidle up to you with the guise of a friend. But as soon as you attempt to continue your day, your tasks, your work, it’ll attack.
                To better document this creature I should probably name it. Light research online has helped me discover others who have seen this beast. Many offer advice, some helpful, some laughable. Scientific, psychological, and artistic communities have actually attempted to discuss this create at some length as well. All of them slowed by this beast at one time or another.
                More research has proven to me that this creature can be found everywhere, all over the world. It has affected every man, woman, and child on the planet. It is a plague, a curse.
                Still, I urge you reader to fight it! Do not give into its attacks. Do not fall for its seductive promises.
                I name this creature Procrastination. It is a powerful force and I struggle with it each and every day. May these findings give you hope that you are not alone in this fight. That while you, my dear reader, have been battling this beast your struggle is not in vain.
                People best this creature every day and you can too. Do not despair for the days you fall, instead get back up. Fight! Continue!

How should I end this report? I’ll get back to it later...
